Tuesday, February 11, 2014

6 months!

Dear Reesie Reesers,

On January 29th, you turned a whopping 6 months old.  HALF a year baby!  I have to say this is my favorite age so far.  You are sleeping  throughout the night and your naps are becoming a little more consistent.  You babble constantly and have discovered the art of shrieking.  You love hearing how loud your voice can get and squeal whenever you are excited.  It is absolutely adorable...and loud!  You had your six month well check and came in at 14lbs and 12.5 oz.  You are making your way up the full term growth chart and we are so proud of you.  You are eating anywhere between 26-30oz. per day in addition to the solid food we've introduced to you.  In the last month you have tried pears, apples, bananas, peas (hated them!), sweet potatoes (loved them!), peaches and blueberries.  I'm still trying to figure out a good way to add your solid food in throughout the day since you seem to be a bit particular about it.  You've also begun sipping water from my glass as well as a sippy cup and a straw.  You love to do things yourself (not surprising) and will often grab the spoon out of my hand when I'm feeding you.  You are still loving Sophie the giraffe, your lovies, peek-a-boo, reading books, bath time, your feet and a variety of other toys.  Some nights before bath/bed time we strip you down to your diaper and let you play around on our bed.  You love being silly with us and save all kinds of smiles for your dad.  Tummy time is going much better and you will stay on your belly for longer stretches of time before wanting to be picked up.

Some of your milestones including rolling from both belly to back and back to belly.  You respond to your name and grab all sorts of things.  You can sit up unassisted with your hands on the floor, but you are beginning to test the waters by lifting your hands off the ground.  I'm sure you'll be sitting up all on your own very soon.  No rush!  You are laughing and "talking" up a storm and love to hear your voice.  You still don't have any teeth, although the drooling has really picked up lately so I'm wondering if one might be on the horizon.

You are becoming quiet attached to mommy and daddy and we both just love it. I'm so grateful to have a work schedule that allows me to spend so much time with you, despite how hectic it can sometimes be.  I'm just so thankful for every minute with you.  You truly have the sweetest soul and I'm so lucky you are my daughter.  I never realized how bittersweet it is to watch your baby grow up.  Every day you do something new and exciting and it is fascinating to watch you grown and learn.  On the other hand, I look back at pictures from just a few months ago and I have no idea how my tiny baby grew so quickly.  I suppose that's just all part of how it goes, but boy does it go fast.

I have a sinking feeling the next six months will go by in a flash and before I know it you'll be dunking your face into your first birthday cake.  Keep growing my sweet girl.  You'll never know how much I love you.


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