Thursday, August 21, 2014

Whole 30: Almost Halfway Update!

This Saturday will mark two weeks since I started the Whole 30.  I wasn't too sure I would make it this far to be quiet honest.  I truly cannot believe I haven't cheated...not even a little bit.  Not even a sip of diet coke!  I feel like if I'm really going to commit to this, what's the point of having a little cheat here or there?  If I'm taking the time to buy, cook and prep all of these meals I owe it to myself to stick to the plan.
The first 3-5 days were not fun.  I missed ice coffee filled with creamer and sweetner in the morning.  I missed snacking on a few tortilla chips during the afternoon.  But I realized those habits weren't doing good things for me so it was getting easier to detach myself from them emotionally.  The sugar and caffeine withdrawals were rough.  Luckily on the fourth day of this challenge I had a minor surgery so I was able to get over the hump of the withdrawals with the help of good ole' anesthesia :)  By the end of the first week I was so tired and wondered when all of this energy I keep hearing about was going to hit me.

I know myself well enough to know that if I'm going to be successful, food needs to packaged, ready to go in my fridge.  I need to have a plan for the week and stick to it as best as possible.  In order for this to happen I have been spending a few hours on Sunday making my breakfasts and lunches for the whole week. I portion out each meal into Tupperware containers so when I'm hurriedly packing my bag for work with a toddler attached to my leg, all I have to do is throw it in and I'm good to go.  I really don't think anyone can be successful without planning and prep ahead of time.  After all, cooking and eating REAL food takes time!

Some friends and family have asked what I've been eating and for me, the key is to keep it simple and repeat meals.  On Sunday I make a large batch of roasted sweet potatoes and an egg "casserole" for my daily breakfast.    I cut three sweet potatoes into small pieces, coat lightly in coconut oil and sprinkle with cinnamon.  The egg casserole consists of 10-12 eggs, chorizo, and sauteed bell peppers, onions and mushrooms.  You could make this egg dish a million different ways to your liking.  I've made it this way the last two weeks so I'll change it up for the last two weeks.  For lunches I have been eating "taco bowls" as I like to call them.  During my prep time on Sunday I cook about 3 pounds of ground turkey and coat with my homemade taco seasoning (the delicious store stuff is full of chemicals...a no no).  I portion the turkey out for several lunches and then add some salsa and home-made guacamole when it's time for lunch.  I use the remaining turkey for our family dinner on Taco Tuesday.  Easy.  Dinners have been fairly easy, typically consisting of a meat or fish, vegetable and sweet potato.  I've found myself snacking MUCH less frequently but when I do I stick to fruit, cashews/cashew butter, or the occasional Lara bar if I'm on the go.  

Overall, I've got nothing but major snaps for Whole 30.  I'm not weighing myself (per the rules), but I am charting my measurements at the end of each week and was very encouraged by my first week progress.

Here's to the next two weeks!

p.s.  miss you diet coke...hope you're doing well :(

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