Thursday, January 5, 2017

NYE 2016!

We had a perfectly low key evening ringing in the new year.  This is our fourth new year's eve since becoming parents and we have stayed in every year...and loved it.  Pre-kids we always went out and although we had fun (and I'm sure we'll venture out again one day) I adore our mini celebration with the kids.  The twins of course really had no idea that it was a special night and went to bed right on time, but like last year, we let Reese stay up and drink sparkling juice out of a fancy (aka plastic) champagne flute.  She was so excited and her enthusiasm is infectious, as always.  We had special snacks Tom picked up, talked about what a great year we had and everything we have to look forward to in 2017.

This year felt heavy and insufferable for so many reasons, but in my tiny corner of the world, the year was good to us.  I started the day with a spin class and felt so happy and excited about my dedication to becoming the best and most fit version of myself.  I accomplished a lot in this arena in 2016 but I'm pretty pumped to really kick it into high gear in 2017.

After class we took a family walk and realized pretty much immediately that it was colder than it looked.  But we were bundled up and everyone needed outside time so we pressed on.  Even Reese's new "baby girl Daniel Tiger" from Santa joined us for the jaunt.

We chilled at home for most of the day and finished the last episode of The Crown (omg so good) while the kids napped.  After naps we headed to our favorite local bookstore to let the kids burn some energy while I made a quick exchange.  If you are local, Joseph Beth Booksellers really is a gem, especially if you have children.

And of course, as luck would have it, about an hour after my 10pm NYE bedtime Reese woke up violently ill so we were tending to her until the wee hours of the morning.   Turns out I was up to see midnight after all!  But seriously, nothing is sadder than a sick baby.  We scraped our plans to have our friends over for brunch in the morning and spent the first day of the year nursing a sick kiddo and trying to keep everyone else healthy.  Here's to hoping 2017 turns it around! 

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